Views: 11 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2018-07-22 Origin: Site
Alpha was invited by Bureau Veritas to attend TRU Vendor Seminar, this seminar was held on 25 Mar. 2015 (Shenzhen)
The topics of the seminars are as below:
-Refreshment Training of TRU testing requirement
-How to reduce testing cost and testing time.
CPSIA requires a Chronic Hazard Advisory Panel (CHAP) to study the effects of phthalates and phthalate alternatives on children’s health and to provide recommendations if any additional phthalates or phthalate alternatives should be permanently prohibited.
The CPSC is required to issue a final rule after receiving the CHAP report in July 2014.
Report content - 4 comments:
1) Permanently banned phthalates (DBP, BBP, DEHP)
No change
2) Interim banned phthalates (DNOP, DIDP, DINP)
Recommend dropping ban on DNOP and DIDP but recommend making the ban on DINP permane
3) Phthalates not currently banned
Recommend DIBP, DPENP/DnPP, DHEXP/DHP and DCHP all be permanently banned with regard to toys and childcare articles at levels > 0.1%
Recommend DIOP put under interim ban at same limit
No recommendation on phthalates of DMP, DEP, DPHP
4) Phthalates alternatives
CHAP had insufficient exposure and hazard to provide recommendation on phthalates alternatives and defer to determine potential health risk
Alternatives include – TPIB, DEHA, DEHT, ATBC, DINX and TOTM
US CPSC Commission Staff is recommending publication of the proposed rule in Nov, 2014: “ Prohibition of Children’s Toys and Child Care Articles Containing Specified Phthalates”.
5) This proposed rule would prohibit DBP, BBP, DEHP, DINP, and 4 additional phthalates, DIBP, DPENP, DHEXP (=DnHP), DCHP, at 0.1% in children’s toys and child care articles.
The proposed rule is still under the period of consultation in US to mid of April and not yet sign to law now moment