Views: 2 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2023-10-07 Origin: Site
Haben sich Eltern jemals gefragt, warum Kunst und Handwerk für die Entwicklung ihrer Kinder so wichtig sind? Die Forschung von Alpha Science Toys ist davon überzeugt, dass dies für Kinder im Alter von 3 bis 8 Jahren die wichtigste Möglichkeit ist, sie beim Wachsen und Entwickeln zu unterstützen. Aus diesem Grund empfehlen viele Kinderpädagogik-Experten Bastelsets. Als exzellenter chinesischer Hersteller von Lernspielzeugen kann Alpha Science Toys garantieren, dass diese Vorteile real sind. Kinder mögen Kunst und Handwerk, sie brauchen Übung zu Hause und in der Schule. Alpha Science Toys listet hier als Referenz für Eltern die sechs wesentlichen Vorteile von Kunst- und Bastelsets für die kindliche Entwicklung auf.
1. Motorische Fähigkeiten
Wenn Kinder das Bastelset mit den Fingern bedienen, entwickeln sie ihre Feinmotorik, indem sie die kleinen Muskeln ihrer Hände nutzen. Wenn sie lernen, beide Hände gleichzeitig zu benutzen, verbessern sich ihre bilateralen Koordinationsfähigkeiten.
All dies geschieht, wenn Kinder zeichnen, malen, kleben und schneiden. Je schneller sich ihre Feinmotorik entwickelt, desto mehr können sie selbstständig tun, vom selbstständigen Essen bis zum Schuhebinden.
2. Alphabetisierung
Das Kunst- und Bastel-Toolkit für die frühe Kindheit hilft Kindern dabei, Lese- und Schreibfähigkeiten in einem breiten Spektrum von Bereichen zu entwickeln – vom Sprechen und Lesen bis hin zum Zuhören und Verstehen. Wenn Kinder Kunst machen oder basteln, können sie über ihre Arbeit sprechen und ihre Kommunikationsfähigkeiten entwickeln. „Warum hast du diese Farbe gewählt?“ „Erzähl mir, was du getan hast.“ Sie lernen neues Vokabular von ihren Eltern und nutzen ihr Zuhörvermögen, wenn sie mündlichen Anweisungen folgen. Alle Eltern hoffen, dass unsere Kinder diese Fähigkeit so schnell wie möglich beherrschen, damit sie anfangen können, uns zuzuhören! (Kelly übt das immer noch!)
As children become toddlers, they experience the rapid development of communication skills, motor skills, and perspective (or the ability to see things from "other people's shoes") to varying degrees.
3. Mathematical concepts
Basic math skills are not usually considered part of arts and crafts activities. However, mathematics skills are frequently used, which has a positive impact on the development of mathematics skills in preschool children.
Children can learn and recognize different shapes, calculate and organize their art supplies, and even measure the length and size of art materials. To master mathematics, children need good thinking and problem-solving skills, and arts and crafts activities are also helpful to children.
4. Cultivate children's creativity
Art allows children to develop their creativity, which is very important in their growth stage. By doing something creative, you allow self-expression, which allows children to express (and cope with) their feelings. It also promotes the psychological growth of children by providing opportunities to try new ideas, new ways of thinking, and solve problems.
In children, creativity comes from their experience of the process, not the focus on the finished product. Don't confuse creativity with talent, skill, or intelligence. Creativity is not about doing better than others, but about thinking, exploring, discovering, and imagining.
5. Help children build self-esteem
The activities in the Arts and Crafts Toolkit can give children a sense of accomplishment, make them proud of their work, and build confidence. Creating art is a great and safe way. It allows you to discover that it is okay to make mistakes, and "mistakes" will give you new ideas. Children can try new things and develop their "self-regulation ability" (for example, while waiting for paint or glue to dry). This helps them develop patience, which is why all children need help! Even me sometimes!
6. Provide quality time/parent-child relationship
Children just like to spend time with their parents, so what better way than making handicrafts together? Parents can spend quality time with their children, and at the same time, they are creating lifetime memories that are worth cherishing. When you make it together, you can talk about what you are making and discuss different ideas and topics. You can talk about your thoughts, feelings, and concerns. As an added bonus, your child is not using technology or watching the screen!
What parents can do at home to promote the development of their children As parents have seen, children have many reasons to engage in arts and crafts activities that can promote children's development. Alpha Science Toys also believes that this is a great way for parents to spend quality time with their children and keep them away from electronic screens!
If you are looking for interesting arts and crafts kits, please select different themes’ DIY Children's crafts kits from Alpha Science Toys. As an excellent Children's educational toys manufacturer, Alpha Science Toys has designed craft kits for children of different ages, helps kids to improve their abilities, and provides the most powerful aid to children's learning. Or, through follow-up alpha science classroom, parents try out a variety of arts and crafts activities at home through lessons with their children, helping their children grow to the best of their abilities through the simplest of crafts activities.