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Alpha science toys: American science toy company delegation visit factory

Views: 7     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-12-06      Origin: Site

Christmas is coming and almost people are busy with it. Alpha science toy factory is also busy preparing a variety of  science educational toys for children of the world. In 2019, Alpha science toy factory over-fulfilled the sales target and got rapid development. Recently Alpha science toy factory welcomed a very important group to visit factories who come from the Hong Kong branch of the famous American children's science educational toys brand group.

American client-science toy

Hong Kong branch of the famous American children's science educational toys brand group has been working closely with Alpha science toy factory for many years. Alpha science toy factory produces nearly 100 million yuan of children's science toys OEM orders for the American children's science educational toys brand group in every year. Therefore, American children's science educational toys brand group is an important partner of Alpha science toy factory. In order to deeply cooperate with Alpha science toy factory, the American children's science educational toys brand group dispatched Jack (general manager of the Hong Kong branch), Sam (manager of the marketing department), Roberta (director of product design department), and Abbot (director of brand operation) to fly to Xin Xiang, He Nan province for a comprehensive understanding and communication of Alpha science toy factory. The main leaders of Alpha science toy factory welcomed the partners from Hong Kong.

American client-science educational toys

After a short rest, Tom, the general manager of Alpha science toy factory led the partners to the operations center of Alpha Manufacturing Ltd. Tom introduced over 10 years the development of Alpha science toy factory and the data of the global children's science toy market to the partners. At the same time, Tom also introduced in detail the various teams in the brand operation center of the Alpha science toy factory and Alpha own brand "BIG BANG SCIENCE” products. The two sides had an in-depth discussion on the children's science educational toys market and product concept. Jack expressed his appreciation to the team of Alpha science toy factory and the "BIG BANG SCIENCE” brand, and also offered valuable suggestions on the operation of the brand.

The next day, Tom and partners came to Alpha science toy factory to visit and understanding the production team, workshop, equipment, and technology. After a visit, Jack spoke highly of the development of the factory in 2019 and expressed confidence in future cooperation.

American client-toys American client- toys science educational

The Hong Kong branch group had a new understanding of the Alpha science toy factory in three days. They communicated on the production plan of children's science educational toys in 2020, signed the production plan of science educational toys for the United States in 2020, they increased production orders in Alpha science toy factory and set the Alpha science toy factory as the exclusive brand supplier of science educational toys for the United States in China.

Alpha science toy factory has development and growth in 2019, in this year, Alpha science toy factory specially established the brand operation center, make professional team, and expand the scale of the factory. Meanwhile, the Alpha science toy factory has many platforms and a way of promotion. We have attended many exhibitions in Hong Kong, Dubai, India and showed Alpha science educational toys that make a solid foundation for the future development of Alpha science toy factory.

In the future, Alpha science toy factory will better develop the manufacturing business of children's science educational toys, efforts best quality children's science toy products, help more children learn scientific knowledge and let children can grow up happily and healthily.


Manufacturer:XinXiang Alpha Manufacturing Ltd
Address: West Of Bei Hean Road, Muye District,
 Xin xiangCity,He Nan Province,China,Post Code 453000