Views: 23 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-05-24 Origin: Site
The nasty snot, people hate his existence. But do kids know how they are formed? Do you want to learn how to make fake snot by mixing some common ingredients in your kitchen? You can study how to make the fake snot. Today, Alpha Science Classroom teaches kids to make fake snot, a fun chemistry experiment for kid's activity that allows kids to learn about the amazing mysteries of polymers while enjoying a special kids' science experiment.
Alpha Science Classroom: Making fake snot, materials
Stove or microwave oven
Pans or microwaveable bowls
Measuring cups
Hot pad
3 packets of unflavored gelatin
Large spoon
Another bowl
Green food coloring
Light-colored corn syrup
A resealable 1-gallon plastic bag
12-cup muffin pan (or two 6-cup pans)
Measuring spoons
Paper and pencil
Vinegar, baking soda, meat tenderizer, pineapple juice, orange juice, salt - whatever safe kitchen chemicals you're interested in
1 teaspoon measurer
11 small spoons
Alpha Science Classroom: Making fake snot, Procedure
Step 1: Children need to measure 3/4 cup of water into a pot or microwave-safe bowl and bring the water to a boil on the stove or in the microwave, children remove the pot or bowl from the heat and can have a parent help.
Step 2: Children add each packet of unflavored gelatin to the hot water one at a time, stirring to make sure the mixture is not lumpy before adding the next packet.
Step 3: If desired, children can add 3-4 drops of food coloring to the mixture for added fun.
Step 4: Children let the mixture sit for 1 minute and measure 3/4 cup of light corn syrup into another bowl.
Step 5: Children slowly stir the gelatin mixture into this bowl. You should notice long strands of material that resemble human mucus (snot). You are free to play around with it for a while.
After letting your mixture cool for about 10 minutes, place a tablespoon of the mixture into three muffin cups.
Assign a number to each muffin cup so you can keep track of what you are going to do with each cup.
Create a data sheet.
Step 6: Now the children can start experimenting with the No. 1 cup in which nothing will be added - we don't disturb the cup. What do you think is the purpose of this cup?
Step 7: The children add 1 teaspoon of water to cup #2. What do you think this cup does?
Step 8: Using a clean spoon, the children stir the water into the mixture. In the other cups, add 1 teaspoon of the substance you are interested in. Stir, using a clean spoon for each cup. Why do you think you are required to use a clean spoon for each cup? Why do you think you are being asked to add the same amount to each cup?
Step 9: If you wish, children can also consider adding the same substance to multiple cups to see if they get the same result each time.
Step 10: Place the muffin tin in a quiet place for half an hour and check the mixture in each cup. Did the mixture change? How did it change? You can try lifting the snot up with a spoon. Is it thicker or thinner than the control (cup #1)? Record your observations in your datasheet.
Your results will vary depending on what substances you chose and the starting consistency of your mixture, but here are some things you might notice: Adding water makes the mixture thinner. Adding pineapple, meat tenderizer, or papaya makes the mixture much thinner. Rubbing alcohol makes it thinner.
Alpha Science Classroom: Making Fake Snot! Science Principle
You didn't put anything in the first cup because that was your control area. You need some way to remember what the mixture looked like before you changed it! Cup 2 can be considered the second control, even though you added water to it. Here's why. Many of the substances you add, such as juice, may contain water, so it's definitely a good idea to see what the water itself does. That way, you'll know if the liquid you're adding to each cup is really chemically special. You'll need to use a clean spoon for each cup because you don't want traces of what you put in one cup to get into another. You add the same amount of liquid to each cup because this allows you to compare the effect of one equal volume of liquid relative to another.
Water or juice alone thins the snot mixture because it allows gelatin proteins and corn syrup sugars to spread in a larger volume. Gelatin contains a large amount of protein. Fresh pineapple fruit or juice, papaya, and meat tenderizers all contain enzymes that break down proteins, so if you treat your snot with any of these, the protein polymers will be broken down and the mixture will become thinner. Oil has different properties than water or gelatin, so it does not interact as much with the snot mixture.
Hahaha, the perfect fake nose is ready for kids to use to prank their friends and make them scream! The Alpha Science Class hopes to help children understand the mystery of snot through these chemical experiments for kid's, increase their scientific knowledge, and no longer regard snot as a "toy".
Alpha Science Toys also has a disgusting science chemistry experiment pack, allowing children to learn what disgusting scientific mysteries are through kid's science experiments, learn amazing knowledge and skills, and become the most disgusting magician.