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Alpha science classroom: How To Make Paper

Views: 6     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-07-27      Origin: Site

Paper is one of the great inventions of mankind. Children can use paper to draw, write, and make all kinds of interesting crafts. But when using paper, do children know how they are recycled and used? Today, Alpha Science Classroom showed children how to make recycled paper through a simple kid's science experiment, and at the same time showed the charm of environmental science experiment for children, but also let children know the true meaning of environmental protection.

Alpha science classroom: How To Make Paper Experiment Materials

  • Unwanted pre-and post-consumer paper (e.g. newspapers, receipts, colored paper, wrapping paper, etc.) Avoid using thick construction paper or thick, shiny magazine paper.

  • 10 newspapers to use for blotting paper

  • 5 unwanted clothes or towels to use as blotting paper (cut up t-shirts work great)

  • The 1-inch thick picture frame or shadow box

  • Mesh screen (from a craft store or hardware store)

  • Large mixing bowl

  • Blender or mixer

  • Scissors

  • Rolling pin, glass jar, or metal water bottle to use as a roller

  • 2 cups of hot water

  • 9 x 13 x 2.5-inch glass dish or container (must be large enough for the picture frame you use to fit inside of)

Alpha Science Classroom: How to make paper experiment steps

step 1

First, children carefully cut the paper into small pieces with scissors and put them in a mixing bowl.

Step 2

children added two glasses of water to the confetti.

Step 3

Children can let adults use a blender or blender to mix paper and water into a pulp. When the pulp has the consistency of pea soup, the pulp is ready.

Step 4

Cut the screen to make it fit your photo frame. Attach the screen to the frame and make sure it is tight to support the pulp mixture.

Step 5

Put the sieve in the baking dish and add water.

Step 6

The children poured some pulp mixture on the screen and spread it evenly until it covered the entire screen.

Step 7

Carefully lift the frame from the water and let some water drip out of the pulp. Transfer the screen and pulp to some blotting paper (newspaper).

Step 8

Press the pulp repeatedly with blotting paper until the pulp is no longer wet.

Step 9

Turn the frame over so that the recycled paper falls off the screen and lays it flat on a piece of blotting paper.


Step 10

Press the recycled paper between the blotting papers, and then use the roller to press out more water to make the paper smooth.

Step 11

After soaking dry with a paper towel and rolling the paper, place it in a ventilated window and let it dry for 24 hours.

Alpha Science classroom: How to make the scientific principles behind paper experiments

Through this environmental science experiment, the little demon tells the children how the little pieces of paper are glued together again to make a new piece of paper. Paper is made of fibers from wood. Cellulose fibers are slightly sticky, so they help hold the paper together. In fact, cellulose is used to make some glue! Children "recycle" old paper by mixing old paper into small pieces. Those paper sheets are made of cellulose fibers. The warm water added by the children makes the cellulose sticky again, and then when you press the new paper with a sponge, the fibers become rough and tangled together, and then stick to each other when they dry into a new paper.

Recycling paper can save energy and water, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and protect natural resources. The paper industry is one of the largest energy users in the United States. It is estimated that compared with the use of virgin wood pulp to make paper, the energy used to make recycled paper is 60% to 70% less. Now that children know how to make their own recycled paper, they can make paper for various purposes! For example, children can make their own holiday cards, birthday party invitations, or even draft homework! By doing this, children can not only save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also save money by not buying new products from the store!

Once the recycled paper is made, what do the children want to do with it? Your imagination and give it new life. Today, the environmental science experiment of Alpha Science Classroom has great significance. It helps children understand the meaning of environmental protection and enables them to learn the impact of environmental protection. We hope this kid's science experiment can make children think and grow up to be the most powerful environmental experts.


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