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Alpha science classroom: How to make a magic crystal tree

Views: 77     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-08-14      Origin: Site

The colorful crystal is one of the children’s favorite toys. However, pure crystals are difficult to make. In addition to various crystals, the children are also interested in the magic crystal tree. Today, Alpha science classroom will show the children how to make a special magic crystal tree.

Alpha science classroom: Gathering materials is the most difficult part of the magic crystal tree process. To grow your magic crystal tree you’ll need:

Alpha science classroom:Crystal tree making material 

1.Mrs. Stewart's Bluing

2.Table salt

3.Household Ammonia (the kind with no soap added)

4.Cardboard(not corrugated)



7.Measuring spoon

8.Food Coloring (optional)

Alpha science toys know that the bluing is the hardest item to find but can be found in the cleaning section of many grocery stores. You can find the ammonia close by.

Alpha science toys remind kids that Depending on the temperature & humidity of your location, the ammonia is optional, but speeds up the crystal growth -- the tree in this Instructable started "sprouting" in less than an hour. Without ammonia, it may take a couple of days to start.

Alpha science classroom: Method of making cardboard tree

Step 1: Children can make a tree out of two cardboard triangles with a base of about 2 inches and a height of about 3.5 inches.

Step 2: Children cut one slot from the top to the center of the cardboard and another slot from the bottom. The slot allows two parts to be assembled into A 3D shape. Finally, ask your parents to help you make sure that any shape you create can stand on its own.

Step 3 :(optional) color the tree Kids can add a little color to your shape by putting drops of food coloring on the edges. The food coloring will soak into the cardboard.

Step 4: Prepare the magic crystal solution

1.1 tablespoon water

2.1 tablespoon salt

3. 1 tablespoon bluing

4.1/2 tablespoon household ammonia

Children can put everything into a small bottle that could be shaken to mix the ingredients.

Again, the ammonia is optional, but the Alpha science classroom recommends it.

Find a place where you can watch your magic tree grow undisturbed for a few days.

Put the tree into the bowl and add the solution.

Step 5: Children need to wait patiently (the first signs of growth in the Crystal magic tree appear in an hour.)As time passes, the magic Crystal tree will bloom in 12 hours. Children can also increase the crystal's shape indefinitely by adding more water/salt solution to the bowl.

Alpha science classroom: magic-crystal-tree 

Alpha science classroomThe principles of magical Crystal Tree

First, the liquid suspension is drawn up to the cardboard tree through a process called capillary action.  Capillary action is the ability of a liquid to defy gravity and flow upwards.

In narrow areas, the combination of surface tension of water and the adhesive forces between the container and the liquid helps to lift the liquid.  This effect can be seen when a plant like celery draws up colored water through its capillaries, when the paint is drawn up between the bristles of a paintbrush, and when porous materials like cardboard draw up water.

The next process is evaporation, where liquid molecules escape from the solution as gas molecules.

Ammonia evaporates much quicker than water and we added it to the solution to speed up the evaporation process.  Once the solution traveled up the cardboard and evaporated, the next process could occur.

The final process, crystallization, occurred as the water and ammonia molecules leave the solution through evaporation.  The bluing and salt that remain can no longer be supported in the remaining solution and begin to crystalize.

Mrs. Stewart’s Bluing is a colloidal suspension of extremely minute particles of blue powder {Ferric Hexacyanoferrate}.  These minute particles act as nuclei or seeds for crystallization to take place.  This is similar to the process that occurs in cloud formation. Do children understand it?

Alpha science classroom Today's magic Crystal tree children science experiment is very magical and interesting. Right? This topic is to test the children's practical ability, logical thinking ability, observation ability in the process of children's science experiments, and most importantly to test the children's patience in the process of complex children's science experiments. So it's important that parents work with their children on this fun children's science experiment so that they can stick to the magic crystal tree and learn simple chemistry.

Alpha science toys' children's Science experiment toys series also have a number of growth crystal toy sets. Parents can choose age-appropriate crystal growth toys for their children and work with them to make beautiful crystals to make them become the best Crystal magicians.




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Address: West Of Bei Hean Road, Muye District,
 Xin xiangCity,He Nan Province,China,Post Code 453000