Views: 4 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-11-17 Origin: Site
Kids know that starch makes amazing non-Newtonian fluids, and electrostatics as well, and when kids combine the two, you end up with magic like no other, but do kids know what kind of magic electrostatics plus non-Newtonian fluids can have? Today, Alpha Science Classroom teaches kids to make Electric Cornstarch, showing them a feast of physical science experiments for kids that they must see to believe. Watch cornstarch magically jump to a balloon with static electricity and enrich children's learning time with a magical kid's science experiment activity to learn science happily.
Alpha Science Classroom: Electric CornStarch Experiment Materials
Corn starch
Vegetable oil
Mixing bowl
Large spoon
Measuring cups
Adult supervision
Alpha Science Classroom: Electric Cornstarch Experiment Steps
Step 1: First, children pour 1/4 cup of cornstarch into a mixing bowl.
Step 2: Children add 1/4 cup of vegetable oil to the mixing bowl. Stir the mixture until it thickens.
Step 3: Children blow up the balloons, tie them up, and charge them with their hair, shirt, or rug. (We prefer hair.)
Step 4: Children bring the charged balloon close to a spoonful of the cornstarch mixture. Once you see the cornstarch jump towards the balloon, slowly move the balloon away. Repeat multiple times!
Alpha Science Classroom: Electric cornstarch, the science behind it
Alpha Science Classroom I'm sure you may have guessed by now, kids, because you rub your hair with a balloon, but this experiment revolves around static electricity. When you rub the balloon on a rough surface like hair, you bring additional electrons to the balloon. These new electrons create a negative electrostatic charge. Meanwhile, cornstarch has the properties of a solid or liquid with a neutral charge.
When an object is negatively charged, it will repel electrons from other objects and attract protons from that object. When the neutrally charged object is light enough, such as dripping cornstarch, in this case, the negatively charged object will attract the lighter object. However, trying to attract the cornstarch in the bowl ...... is not going to work! You need to reduce the other forces acting on the cornstarch to make this experiment work, which is why you use a large spoon to drip the cornstarch. Dropping cornstarch means that fewer cornstarch molecules are able to condense with each other, which allows the drops to swing more freely onto the balloon.
I believe that this classic children's physical science experiment is very cool, and that is the magic and charm of science experiments. Children can take a few more long hours to discover more of the hidden mysteries of this kid's science experiment activity. Today's Alpha Science classroom is a happy end, I hope children can discover the advantages of learning help brought by science experiments, while enjoying the endless fun brought by science, grow up healthy, and become the most powerful scientists.
At the same time, Alpha Science Toys also prepared many children's physical science experiment kits for children, which hide many amazing physical science phenomena, waiting for children to explore and discover, what are you waiting for? Quickly embark on the road to explore the magic of science!