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Alpha science classroom: DIY plastic bottle submarine

Views: 51     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-09-23      Origin: Site

The reason why a submarine can navigate freely in the deep sea is because of its strong kinetic energy. So, do children want to know the magical secrets of submarines? Today, Alpha Science Class teaches children to DIY plastic bottle submarines through some simple kid's science experiments and introduces the hidden knowledge of physical science experiments to the children, so that they can feel the charm and interest of science.

Alpha science classroom: DIY plastic bottle submarine,Materials you'll need

  • plastic bottle (small, with cap)

  • push pin

  • paper clips (2)

  • rubber bands (3)

  • pencil

  • popsicle stick

  • pennies

  • hot glue / hot glue gun

  • container lid

  • scissors

  • heat gun (or candle)

  • pliers

  • tub

  • water

  • paper

  • Markers

Alpha science classroom: DIY plastic bottle submarine, step-by-step tutorial

Step 1: First, children use pushpins to carefully make a hole in the center of the bottom of the bottle.

Step 2: children straighten a paper clip and push it into the hole. Then, use a pencil to bend the end of the paperclip in the bottle to form a hook (you may need an adult to help you). Fix the end of the paperclip on the outside of the bottle.

alpha science classroom tips:To fix the end of the paperclip, we drilled a second hole in the bottom of the bottle and then pushed the paperclip back into the bottle.

Step 3: children draw a four-blade propeller on a piece of paper and cut it out. This will be your template.

Step 4: Using your template, the children trace the propeller to the lid of the yogurt container.

Step 5: children carefully cut off the propeller.

Step 6: Then, children use a heat gun to make the plastic more flexible. Then, bend each blade of the propeller so that the sharp edge is slightly raised.

Step 7: children use a pushpin to make a hole in the center of the propeller and the center of the bottle cap.

Step 8: The children straighten the second paperclip except for one hook. Then, push it into the hole on the bottle cap so that the hook is under the cap.

Step 9: children hook one end of the rubber band to the hook and hook the other end of the rubber band to the hook inside the bottle. Then, close the lid.


Step 10: children slide the propeller onto the paper clip so that it is flush with the top of the bottle. Then, bend the paper clip to hold it in place.

Step 11: children hot glue the pennies to the ends of the popsicle sticks.

Step 12: children use the last 2 rubber bands to tie the popsicle stick to the bottle near the bottom. This will be the fin of your submarine.

The final launching ceremony, now you can start experimenting with your submarine! Fill the basin with water, roll up your submarine, put it in the water, and let go! Allowing more or less water to enter the bottle will determine whether your submarine floats to the top of the bathtub or sinks to the bottom. Try to make it float in the middle of the bathtub!

Alpha Science Classroom: DIY plastic bottle submarine, the scientific knowledge behind

Due to two basic principles, the alpha science classroom allows submarines to sail underwater. First, the submarine needs to be able to control its buoyancy or the degree to which it floats (or sinks) in the water. The submarine can use ballast tanks to change the buoyancy, and the ballast tanks can be filled with air and water in different proportions. If there is a lot of water in the ballast tank, the submarine will sink, and if there is a lot of air in the ballast tank, the submarine will rise. Try to play around with the amount of water and air in your water bottle submarine-a certain amount should give your submarine proper buoyancy to float below the surface.

The second principle of submarine travel is based on Newton's third law, which states that for every action, there will be a reaction. In the case of a submarine, a propeller with inclined blades rotates, pushing the water behind the submarine (action). In response to this backward movement of the water, the submarine is pushed forward (reaction). The propeller on the submarine is rotated by a twisted rubber band. The more the rubber band is twisted, the more the rubber band will try to untie and relax to its original shape. When you let go, this disengagement causes the propeller to spin, pushing the water back and pushing the submarine forward.

In order to stay upright when moving underwater, submarines also use various fins, just like the fins on water bottle submarines. Real submarines can move their fins, along with ballast tanks and propellers, and can move in almost any direction.

When everything is ready, the kids' DIY Plastic bottle Submarine prowls the tub, adding a fun toy to the kids' bath. Alpha Science Classroom helps children explore magical and interesting kids' physical science experiment knowledge and understand the mystery of the submarine through this kid's science experiment. Then children can continue to follow Alpha Science Classroom. There are many amazing children's science experiments the can help children learn a lot of special science.

Alpha Science Toys also prepares many magical physical science experiment kits for children, helping children to explore scientific phenomena full of magic and fun, and realizing their dreams of being a scientist.


Manufacturer:XinXiang Alpha Manufacturing Ltd
Address: West Of Bei Hean Road, Muye District,
 Xin xiangCity,He Nan Province,China,Post Code 453000