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Alpha science classroom:Colorful Convection Currents

Views: 8     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-10-30      Origin: Site

Children have seen this kind of nature. Now, gray dark clouds and white clouds are slowly merging into a new dark cloud cluster. This is a natural phenomenon where hot air meets cold air, so what kind of result will they produce? Today, the alpha science classroom showcases Colorful Convection Currents for children. Through this magical children's chemistry experiments activity, unlocks the mysteries of natural phenomena for children and guides them to explore interesting kid's science experiments.

Alpha Science Classroom: Colorful Convection, Experimental Materials

  • Four identical empty bottles (Browse the juice aisle in the grocery store and find a bottle similar to the one shown. As a general rule, the opening of the bottle should be at least one inch [25 mm] in diameter.)

  • Get hot and cold water

  • Coloring flakes or food coloring

  • 3 x 5 inch (8 x 13 cm) cards or old playing cards

  • Masking tape

  • pen

  • tissue

  • Adult guardianship

Alpha Science Classroom: Colorful Convection Currents, Experimental steps

Step 1: First, children fill two bottles with hot water from the tap and the other two bottles with cold water. Use tape and a pen to put "hot" and "cold" labels on the bottles.

Step 2: Then, children use yellow food coloring in warm water and blue food coloring in cold water. Every bottle must be filled with water.

Step 3: The first observation that children need is what happens when a bottle filled with hot water is placed on top of a bottle filled with cold water. To do this, put the card on the mouth of the hot water bottle (yellow water). This may be a bit tricky, but you will understand with practice. When turning the bottle upside down, fix the card in place and place it on the bottle of cold water (blue water). The two bottles should be positioned so that they are mouth-to-mouth, and the card separates the two liquids. (Prepare tissues just in case everything does not go according to plan.)


Step 4: Children need to carefully slide the card from between the two bottles. When removing the card, make sure you hold the bottle at the top. Observe what happens to the colored liquid in the two bottles after the card is removed.

Step 5: This time the children need to do, the second part of the color chemistry experiment is similar to the first part. This time, you need to put cold water (blue) on top of hot water (yellow). Repeat steps 3 and 4 and carefully remove the card. See what happens this time.

Alpha Science Classroom: Colorful Convection Currents Scientific principles

The alpha science classroom tells children through simple phenomena that it is like a hot air balloon rising because the hot air in the balloon is lighter and less dense than cold air. Likewise, warm water is lighter or less dense than cold water. When a bottle of warm water is placed on top of cold water, the denser cold water stays in the bottom bottle, while the less dense warm water is confined to the top bottle. However, when the cold water bottle is placed on top of the warm water bottle, the less dense warm water rises into the top bottle, while the cold water sinks into the bottom bottle. When the yellow and blue food coloring are mixed, the movement of water can be clearly seen, forming a green liquid.

The movement of warm and cold water in the bottle is called convection. In our daily lives, warm currents appear in the ocean. The warm Gulf Stream moves north along the east coast of the United States, across the Atlantic Ocean, and reaches Europe. When the warm air and cold air collide, convection in the atmosphere is the cause of thunderstorms.

Although colored liquids mixed together are more interesting, another set of warm water bottles and cold water bottles helps illustrate important phenomena that may occur in the atmosphere during the colder months. During the day, the sun heats the surface of the earth, and the layer of air closest to the earth warms. This warm air rises and mixes with other atmospheric gases. When the sun goes down, the lower density of warm air in the atmosphere covers the cooler air near the surface. Because cold air is denser than warm air, cold air is trapped close to the earth, and the gases in the atmosphere will not mix. This is called temperature reversal.

Well, the magical magic has been displayed. Do the children understand the knowledge of color chemistry experiments? Children can start thinking, carry out more interesting children's chemistry experiments, and unlock more scientific mysteries! Today, the Colorful Convection Currents in the alpha science classroom is over. If children want to learn more about interesting kid's science experiments, please pay more attention to us!

Alpha science toys also designed many interesting chemical experiment kits for children to help them understand more different chemical phenomena, learn the magical knowledge among them, and let them grow into the most powerful "chemical magicians"!


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